How to use AzureDevops as your jsrepo registry.
Branches and Tags
Because the AzureDevops URL structure doesn't include enough information to fetch raw files we have to use a custom structure so copy pasting the URL from the homepage like you can for other providers won't just work.
Instead you need to follow the following format:
azure/ieedan/std/std # default branch shorthand
azure/ieedan/std/std/tags/v1.5.0 # tag reference
azure/ieedan/std/std/heads/next # branch reference
Using Tags for Versioning
Tags can be a great solution to ensuring remote tests and blocks stay on a consistent version.
"$schema": "",
// use a specific version tag
"repos": ["azure/ieedan/std/std/tags/v1.5.0"],
"path": "src/blocks",
"includeTests": false,
"watermark": true,
"formatter": "prettier",
"paths": {
"*": "./src/blocks"
Tags do not however work like npm packages. Tags are completely mutable meaning a malicious registry could publish over a tag with different code.
This is why it's always important to make sure you trust the owner of the registry.