Configuration for your registry.
jsrepo-build-config.json holds the configuration for your registry.
You can create a jsrepo-build-config.json by running the init command with the --registry flag:
$schema is tracked with the cli so you can use a specific version using unpkg:
meta allows you to provide optional information about the registry that can be displayed to users for better documentation.
The names of the authors of this registry.
Where users should report bugs.
A description of the registry.
The URL to the registry homepage.
The source repository for the registry. (Omit this if you are distributing from a git repository)
Keywords that describe your registry.
dirs is a list of the directories that contain your block categories.
outputDir is an optional key that allows you to copy the resulting jsrepo-manifest.json and any required files to a custom directory.
This is useful if you want to host the registry in a different location from where the code actually lives. (This should NOT be used when hosting your registry from a git repository)
listBlocks is a list of block names that should be listed when the user runs the add command.
listCategories is a list of category names that should be listed when the user runs the add command.
doNotListBlocks is a list of block names that shouldn't be listed when the user runs the add command.
doNotListCategories is a list of category names that shouldn't be listed when the user runs the add command.
excludeDeps allows you to prevent specified remote dependencies from being installed when the user adds/updates blocks. This is useful for framework specific API's like React or Svelte.
includeBlocks allows you to only include specified blocks in the final manifest file. Keep in mind that if these blocks are referenced by other blocks that are included then your build will break.
includeCategories allows you to only include specified categories in the final manifest file. Keep in mind that if these categories are referenced by other categories that are included then your build will break.
excludeBlocks allows you to prevent the specified blocks from being included in the manifest.
excludeCategories allows you to prevent the specified categories from being included in the manifest.
allowSubdirectories allows subdirectories to be built.
preview displays a preview of the blocks list.
rules allows you to configure the rules when checking the manifest file after build.
Below are the default settings for each rule.
Disallow depending on the index file of a category.
Require all dependencies to have a pinned version.
Require all local dependencies to exist.
Enforces a limit on the amount of local dependencies a block can have.
Disallow circular dependencies.
Disallow unused blocks. (Not listed and not a dependency of another block)
Disallow frameworks (Svelte, Vue, React) as dependencies.